Sunday, November 12, 2017

"If ye have not charity..."

Ni hao!

This week I've learned so much. Ok, that's how every week goes on a mission haha. But I feel like I've especially learned a lot about Charity, the pure love of Christ. I cannot tell you all that I learned. I think many lessons you learn in life you cannot share. You can only share what you know. 
What I know is this. Let charity drive everything you do. Obedience, faith, knowledge, virtue, all these, everything, don't matter if you do not have Charity. What I mean is, if you are exactly obedient, to the letter of the law, does it mean anything if you have lost the motive of why you are obedient in the first place? That being because you love God, and so you love His children. Or if you have faith, but do not have charity for those around you, what is your faith really placed in? Is it in the Savior, who has changed you? Do you have faith He can also help those around you to change? Then why do you not have charity? And patience... I could go on for days about that one. But long story short, if you have charity, you will be patient. If you have patience, you will develop charity. 

Just love the people around you. Jesus Christ did, enough to die and then rise again for them, for us, despite and because of our weaknesses. 

On another note, I have a request. With this whole "flooding Saipan with the Book of Mormon", I came across a talk that this was based on. I can't remember who it's by, but basically the General Authority was encouraging everyone to send Book of Mormons with their testimony to all the missionaries. So I want to ask you all to do that. And make it as personal as you want, because I want to place them carefully, with someone who can relate to you. How cool would it be to give a Book of Mormon with the testimony of a 25 year old young mother, or a 15 year old boy, to someone who is that same age, or a middle aged man or woman trying to raise a family and work, and probably dealing with similar struggles? Also, we are working in a small English area now too. Just sayin =) write a note in a Book of Mormon and send it to me!!

Ya'll remember Steve and William, the Taiwanese father and son? Well Steve is back on island for a couple weeks! (William stays here for school. Can't remember if I've mentioned that)  I wasn't there for church, but the Elders said when asked who Christ was to them in Gospel Principles, Steve said "He is the bridge between me and Heavenly Father" Steve is so cool!! I wish he would just get baptized... he's practically a member as it is!! 

Almost out of time, so just gonna end with a quick note about this week. We stayed in for a few days because Sister Jenkins was dying with this awful virus. I think it was what I had, but hit her worse. She had a crazy migraine for two days.... we ended up going to the hospital yesterday and they gave her meds through an IV. Poor Sister Jenkins =( She slept a lot. The only plus is I got to read my Book of Mormon so much!! It was really cool to see how the story goes when you read so much in one or two sittings. I decided to start making geneolgy trees at the begining of each book. Up til Mosiah it's pretty easy, but when you hit Mosiah it's a little rough. I'll take a picture when it's done =) Also started a comic strip thing of the allegory of the olive tree in Jacob 5. Did ya'll know that it's symobolic of the scattering and gathering of Israel, yes, but also at the end of Jacob 4 he says, essentially, how can a person who has fallen so far from the path get back on? Read it with that in mind, especially if you are struggling/having doubts of fears about the truth. I just love the Book of Mormon!! Keep reading it every day!!!

Love you all so much!! Have a wonderful week!
Sister Springer

Sisters setting up the Christmas tree in the mission home

Sister Temake

Sister Behling

Sister Kumkee

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