Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A bad case of hiccups-- man I missed those!

Hey all!! 

Last Monday I had the worst hiccups. They stayed for like an hour. It was awesome!! I was laughing forever haha.

This week has been pretty good. Life always has it's ups and downs, but you just gotta keep looking at the positive and all the blessings you do have. Like the blessing it is to be surrounded by the beautiful ocean (or in your case mountains) every day, or the family and friends you've got, or.... well I could just go on, but I'm running out of time... So I just invite you all to keep looking for the blessings. I promise they are there. 

Lotsa stuff happened this week. Tuesday we found out Sister Laulusa was going to train! So that was cool. She's going to do awesome-- she's a very good missionary. It was Elder Jensen's birthday on Friday, and Sister Jenkins yesterday. Friday morning we went to the Conners and helped them scrub their back deck and tear out a huge bush/weed in their yard. It was awesome! I love that family so much. Most of the week Sister Jenkins and I were in a trio with Sister Kaleopa-- Tres friends are back at it!! Haha. It was fun. She's such a great missionary. I'm going to really miss her when she goes home. 

Saturday Sister Lawrence and Sister Laulusa flew in. Sister Lawrence is from Pohnpei! She knows some people I know, so that's cool =) She's gonna help me remember my Pohnpeian too!

This week we started teaching Tracy! She's the one who has been helping us learn Chinese for free for the past year. She is so awesome. She's aethiest, but she feels like the church and it's teachings will really help her find peace and happiness. Before, when she was in college, she wanted to learn about Jesus Christ, but felt like she could only choose that or success. Since her family was relying on her, she chose to just pursue her education. But after she graduated, she realized the work environment in China made it so to be successful, you sometimes had to be cruel and hurt others. She didn't want to, so she came to Saipan, where she now works and a massage therapist. The Lord truly prepares people for the Gospel. I love Tracy so much. The Spirit was so strong as we were talking to her, and she shared some of her past experiences... like her mother suffering and eventually passing away from cancer. She has the kindest heart, and has seen a lot of pain. I cannot wait to help her find the peace and happiness she has been searching for her whole life. 

This Sunday was sooo good! In Relief Society we had a council on how to be a leader in your home. To sum up: To all you married people, or soon to be married: No matter what is going on in your life, no matter what work, friend, school, or church responsibilites you have, teh most important meeting you have in a week is date night. The commandment is to cleave unto your spouse. President Sablan, the 2nd counselor in the Stake Presidency (and a man I really look up to) talked about how important it is to take time every week with your spouse. You cannot be a leader in your home until you are one with your spouse. Sister Conner said, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." And that it's so true. But if Mom is happy, then the home becomes a refuge from the storms of life. So I invite you all, no matter your situation is, to make your home a refuge of safety by making Jesus Christ the center, and your spouse the priority. 

This week is MLC again. Can't wait to see all the missionaries and President and Sister Poston. I just wish I could put all of Saipan on pause while I'm gone.... Always miss it when I leave. 

"Press forward and do just what God wants you to do!"-Sister Conner

I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Springer

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