Sunday, June 11, 2017

First Chinese Baptism!!!!!!!

Saturday we had our first Chinese baptism!!!!! Li Tianbao was baptized!!! He was super excited. He came out of the water and was sooo happy. After the baptism, he was talking to one of our investigators, Yingdi, and he told her she needed to get baptized. He said he felt so amazing. It was really cool! The Spirit was soooo strong, for the entire baptismal service.

Friday we went to do the interview, and we needed to get Tianbao to another investigators house to help translate. We were planning to walk with him, but ran out of time and our member present couldn't walk that far. So he rode his bike. He was almost out of site before we even backed the car!!! Fastest bike rider I have ever seen!! It was awesome. 
The next day we stopped by to give him a white shirt for his baptism, and I barely touched this random pole at his house, and it tipped over... Then the ground started bubbling and all this water exploded out of the ground and it was flooding and crazy..... Didn't know what to do, standing there holding a pipe and a white shirt, going, "Uhmm.. What. Uhhh" Sister Jenkins was like, TIANBAO! SHUI! (Which means water) It was sooo funny. He came over and fixed it. We were all laughing though. Just flooding my investigators house.... No problem.... Haha. 

This week I was reading in Alma 43:1. In the previous chapters, Alma says he returns home after serving a mission, and his heart is grieved because of the wickedness he witnessed. I imagine he is super tired as well. He returns home to counsel his sons. Then in Alma 43:1, it says his sons go back out to preach the Gospel, then Alma also went because he could not rest. I think he was originally planning on just staying home, because he was so tired, but then the Spirit pushed him to keep working. A footnote in Alma 43:1 takes you to Ether 12:2-3, where it talks about Ether went to work to preach because he could not be restrained because the Spirit of the Lord was with him. Sometimes, I feel so tired and just think, "If I could just take a 2 hour nap, I could finish today strong and I wouldn't be so tired." But, just like Alma and Ether, I feel the Spirit wouldn't let me rest. The work is too important, too urgent. There are too many Chinese who desperately need to hear the Gospel. Last night we had a fireside with the youth, and after Sister Jenkins and I were talking to Brother Conner (Brother and Sister Conner as the BEST! They are Spiritual giants!). Brother Conner said that the work Sister Jenkins and I are doing are so important. He said that we are teaching the Chinese, who are going to return to China where the Gospel can't be openly preached, and teach their families. The Spirit was sooo strong. I feel it strong again now as I just retell the story. It's so true. The work we are doing here is so important, and I have loved seeing lives blessed, as well as my own, as the Spirit works through us to bring the truth to those who have been in the dark for thousands of years. I am so eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me this opportunity to serve him here. I love my mission!!

I love you all so much, with all my heart. I miss you, I think and pray about you every day. I wouldn't trade a minute of my mission to be home, though. I love it here. I have 18 months to serve the Lord with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I hope and pray I do so. I'll see you all on the other side and the end, hopefully and changed and better person than I was when I left. 

Lots of love from the Chinese speaking Sister on Saipan, 

Sister Springer

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