Sunday, June 25, 2017

Changes to the Saipan Zone

Ni hao wo de jiating he pengyou! (Hello my family and friends)

Transfer call!!!! Drum roll please....

Sister Jenkins and I are still companions, and teaching Chinese!!! (YES!!!!!)
Elder Mesa and Elder Joseph are still the Capitol Hill Elders (Elder Joseph will be the new district leader)
Elder Ieru and Elder Tanaha(?? New Elder from Guam) are the Zone Leaders. Elder Tanaha is replacing Elder Palmer, who is dying (AKA finishing his mission). 
Then we have two new Sisters!!! Sister Kaleopa (from Palau, originally from California) and Sister Burton, who was part of Sister Jenkins intake. She is from Riverton, UT. They will be in Dandan, replacing Elder Slack and Elder William. Elder Slack is also dying, and Elder William is going to Guam to be a district leader. He was not excited, but I know he will do good things there. He has grown a lot, and is an obedient, hard working missionary. 

Something cool happened this week. About two months ago a member took us to a place with a bunch of Chinese. When we got there, people were drinking and gambling (playing Mahjong.... Chinese love that game). No one really seemed interested so we left a couple pamphlets and left. This past week, Tianbao, our recent convert, told us he knows a place where 100 Chinese people stay, a few just hanging out during the day, but always tons of them at night after they all get off work. Turns out it was the same place we had been two months ago. Since it was during the day, only a few people were out, and all but one was gambling. The one that wasn't gambling was named Wu Huan Qi. We talked to him for a minute then showed him a pamphlet. He was like, oh, I have that!! And he went a grabbed a small stack of little books and things about Jesus Christ he had been collecting, including the Plan of Salvation Pamphlet. It was a little worn, and he said he has read it often. He is really excited to learn about Jesus Christ. The next day we stopped by to give him a Book of Mormon. We told him it was a book about Jesus Christ. He said, "How much is it?" "It's for you. It's free." "I have been looking all over the island for this book. I saw it on the pamphlet and I have wanted one, but I could not find it." So cool!! God is so great. This just increased my testimony of how much God is in the details of everyone's lives, and guides us to those whom he has prepared. Also, it is so important to follow up, even with those who you think might not be to interested, because you never know! Also, even though we write our number on the back of pamphlets, they don't always see the number, maybe do not have a phone, or don't feel like they can call. So we will always follow up!!

Saturday around 2am our power and water went out (Island wide for 8 hours... Lots of the main places had back up generators though) At about 3am Sister Jenkins woke up and tried to go back to sleep but it was too hot. She saw me sit up, look at her, then look up at the A/C, then back at her. She said, "The power is off". I said, "Oh..... man...." and laid back down. I remember none of this. I do remember waking up at 5:30 and thinking she turned off the A/C, and getting up to turn it back on, then realizing we had no power.... Haha. Apparently the power was out because a Korean girl was drunk driving and crashed into traffic light pole, flipped the car and it exploded. She died. It was super sad..... Don't drink and drive! It's just not worth it. 

I think that's about it for this week. Oh, one more thing. I guess our new Mission President got really sick a couple weeks ago, and so we have a different one coming. He is from Idaho or something. But he will be a week later. He and his wife were a Senior couple in Virginia before, and are getting transfered here. Talk about a hard transfer!!!

Love you all lots!! Have a great week!

Pictures: Last Pday we went to the Japanese Jail and Japanese war memorial. Dad, can you read the Korean? And Grandpa, thought you might like the picture of the old torpedo! Maddy, found this green little lizard guy and thought about you =)

Most beautiful island!! Love the sunsets here!

We got some pictures taken by a member, and there was black tip reef sharks swimming around. That was super cool to see.

We also went to the beach and took some last zone pictures. That was lots of fun =)

Sister Springer

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