Monday, April 23, 2018

Saipan to Home, one more time.

Opening up my inbox, I see a whole bunch of emails "Last week!!" "Last email!!" etc. It feels so surreal. 

I'm really going to miss it here. 

I have learned so much from my time serving the Lord on the islands of the sea, most of which I really cannot put into words. What I can try to say is a few things. First, Charity NEVER faileth. I have learned to cleave to that Christ-like attribute, and hopefully will continue to as long as I live. Second, I have drawn so much closer to Jesus Christ. I know through consistent, diligent study of the Gospel, we can stay on the path back to Him. Forgiveness is real, and it is possible because of the Infinite Atonement of Jesus Christ. Third, Heavenly Father is constantly talking to us. We just have to be in tune to the voice of the Spirit, and head the small promptings we receive. This ties back to the second thing; I have learned so much more about hearing and obeying the Spirit as I have studied the Gospel diligently. I know President Nelson is right: We need to learn to receive Personal Revelation more fully, and strive to enjoy the constant companionship of the Holy Spirit. 
Last, everything happens for a reason. It is all part of God's plan. He is aware of everything, and as we turn to Him, rely on Him, anything is possible. 

I'm so lucky to have served with such an awesome companion for most of my mission (14 months). She has been a rock that I've been able to lean on, through good and the bad. We've sure made a lot of memories, and a lot of mistakes, but we learned from them, and from each other. If there's one thing I learned from her, it is the value of time. Believe or not, I might actually be on time to some things now. Haha =)
I'm so grateful for the people I've met, and the places I've been blessed to go. Who knew that so much could happen on a little island in the middle of the ocean? I love the people here, with my whole heart. I hope and pray I will meet them again, and more importantly, they will continue to learn and draw closer to their Savior. 

I have served my Lord, Savior, and Redeemer for 18 months as His full time missionary, and hopefully fulfilled all He expected of me. And while this time is coming to a close, I will never, ever stop being a disciple of Jesus Christ. His name is written not on a name tag, but on my heart, and will be forever. 

I love you all. I'll see you on the other side. 

Signing off,
Sister Springer
Micronesia Guam Mission