Sunday, December 3, 2017

Finally, it's finished!

Ni men hao!!

This week has been super good. Don't know how to sum it all up but I'll do my best. 
Last Monday we got special permission to watch Love, Kennedy cuz the girl who plays the girl whose family gets baptized cuz of Kennedy was from Saipan! So cool! Elder Ieru and Elder Taan got to meet her too =) But it's gotten us all fired up out here to work harder. Saipan is the best!!

Stake Conference was this Sunday. Since the Stake is based in Guam, we did it over video chat. Which meant it was kinda hard to hear and the internet kept cutting out.. so we missed lots of it. But we did get that we have a new Stake Presidency, and one of the councilors is Brother Sablan, from Saipan. He's so cool! He will do great. He is an amazing man. 
At one point, the internet had cut out for awhile so Brother Eddy, in the bishopric, stood up and said we were just gonna start our goodbye party for Sister Ami. He started praying then midprayer the video came back... so he paused and then just sat down. It was so funny. Then there was about 15 minutes left and the internet died again. So we sat there for a bit, then they just turned it off and Brother Eddy stood up and said, "Finally! It's done!!" Hahahaha so funny. I love this ward!!

We have been working with this family in our English area recently. I think I mentioned them last week... They were a referral from a member. We have been working mostly with the kids, but the parents are very open to their kids learning, and they sometimes sit in on lessons too. Almost the whole family has problems with Betel nut. Even the kids. A bunch of them are on date for the 30th of December, and we felt like they needed to be taught the Word of Wisdom soon, so they would have time to overcome the addiction. We had just finished Lesson One, and had started on lesson. 2. We couldn't figure out how to weave in the Word of Wisdom. We decided to teach them when we taught our life on earth in a couple days. On Friday, we had planned to teach them the Creation and Agency. But before we went to the house, Sister Jenkins had the strong impression that we needed to teach them the Word of Wisdom. We weren't sure how, but we decided to listen to the Spirit. We went there and sang Silent Night (AJ's favorite song) and started the lesson. We followed up with what we taught last time. Then out of the blue, AJ(11) said, "Did God create betel nut?" There couldn't have been a more perfect question. We told him God did create it. He asked us why. We told him that God wanted to give us a choice, and that we were going to talk about it today. Despite kids running around, and random comments little kids tend to make, the lesson was so powerful. The Spirit was there. AJ and Boboy want to stop chewing. AJ said, "but I don't know how." And so we talked about Christ, and how he can help us change. We helped them find ways to stop chewing (Prayer, scriptures, pictures of Jesus). Saturday we went back, but they were busy so we couldn't follow up completely, but Boboy told us "we sinned." On Sunday, the parents invited us to join them for a big BBQ for Boboy's birthday. When we went, the dinner wasn't quite ready so AJ asked if we could have a lesson. We said of course, and talked more about ways to avoid Betel nut and replace it with good things. AJ remembered that we talked about looking in the pamphlet at the pictures of Jesus. I am going to cut out a couple smaller pictures of Jesus and give those to them so they always have one close. We role-played with them ways to avoid betel nut. They thought that was really fun. Basically, I love this family with my whole heart, and it's so amazing to be an instrument in the Lord's hands in helping them to repent and change. 

I'll be in Guam this week again. Someone from the 70 is there, and will be at the Guam Zone conference. President is flying us in sooner to tell them how Saipan is doing with bringing the church out of obscurity. We'll tell them about the Ammon Project, and all the service projects we've been doing. We made a slideshow for it =) Hopefully it'll go well. 

I love you all and am so excited for Christmas! Join in the Light the World movement! You never know how much good you can do!!

Sister Springer

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