Sunday, October 22, 2017

Teaching English and Learning Characters

Hey all!! 

Good week here on Saipan. Don't remember if I mentioned it, but our Chinese teacher, Tracy is teaching us characters now, both to read and write!! So cool!! 

Wait back story. So Tracy has been teaching us Chinese for 7 months for free, twice a week. She's not even interested in learning about the Gospel or anything. She's sooo busy too, but chose to take time to teach us. About a month ago, she was just talking to us and telling us her son, Hao Yang, is struggling in English class cuz she doesn't have time to sit down and make him read for his reading logs. So we volunteered to sit down and help him read 3 times a week for 30 mins each. It's been really cool, and we've finally got to meet her husband. Hao Yang is 7. He's really smart, but also a little rebel haha. He's good though, and his reading has improved so much already!! He focuses pretty good too now. He's also pretty busy though... he has soccer and karate, and chinese class on the weekends. Busy boy!!

So last week we met this Chinese girl outside our apartment randomly. Her name is Xiao Yun. She speaks pretty good English, but our whole conversation was Chinese. She knows the Mormon church too!! Still not sure how, cuz she told us in Chinese really fast and we both couldn't quite follow... But yeah. Anyway, so this week we go to our investigator, Angelina's house for a lesson, and guess who happens to also be there? Yeah, Xiao Yun! So we end up teaching them both. They're both kinda in the same boat.. The have two small kids, and their husbands divorced them and went back to China. Xiao Yun lives down in Kobler, which is meth city... and right close to where Tianbao used to live. 

So fast forward a couple days, and we go down to Kobler (during the day of course) to try to find Xiao Yun. She doesn't answer her phone, so we decide to go try the store right next to Tianbao's old house, his translator friend Ying. She's there and she sees us and says, "Oh, how do you finally have time to come see me??" in an excited way though. We taught her a quick lesson and set an appointment to come back. We've seen her 3 times since then, and she is so golden!! She's really excited to learn more, and is on date to get baptized on November 18th. She's so cool, too. She has to watch her mom's store whenever she's not at college, pretty much. She's going to school to be a nurse, but wants to switch to doctor. She was studying cells in Chinese the other day.... Made me so happy haha. 

Last couple things then I better go. 
Croft Family moved back to California this morning. They're so cool!! Going to miss them lots.... They are stopping in Hong Kong for 9 hours and then Korea for 1.5 days. So cool! 

Last thing... Sister Burton has to go home cuz of medical reasons. She's on Guam now, but goes home tomorrow or Wednesday. So sad... she really doesn't want to go. Hopefully she can come back! We only have 2 Sisters coming in the rest of the year, and are losing so many Sisters next transfer... Gonna be some rough transfer calls. Hey, all you ladies thinking about going on a mission! Get out here! Micronesia Guam Mission is the best!!! No better place in the world!!! 

Love you all lots! Have a great week!
Sister Springer

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