Sunday, October 22, 2017

Zone Conference, Flooding Saipan with the Book of Mormon, and other cool things

It's been a great week! Lotsa stuff going on.... Zone Conference, working as a trio (but Sister Kaleopa goes on splits a bunch so she can still work in her area), Tropical storms, other stuff. Pretty great week!

Zone Conference was on Tuesday. As a Zone, we came up with a cool idea. We are doing this thing called "Flooding Saipan with the Book of Mormon" Basically every day, each companionship is going to give out 3 Book of Mormons: 2 to people who don't have one, and one to a Less active or recent convert to give away. It's been really cool... I'll tell you some stories in a second. Also got some really cool counsel from President Poston. He walked in and shook every ones hand, staring into our souls as he did. Then he started his training with talking about Priesthood keys and how he has spiritual gifts as our mission President such as the gift of discernment (that short summary didn't even begin to do it justice... it was actually a very spirtual learning experience. Search out your spiritual gifts!!), then saying, "3 words came into my mind as I came in here." Then he Proceeded to expound on them, one by one. 1. Unity. 2. Joy. 3. God loves you. It was such a cool thing, knowing that he is receiving such specific revelation for us as a zone. The Spirit was so strong. 

I think I've told ya'll about Ying... but if not, here you go. She's super cool! She is 18 and going to college to be a nurse, and hopefully one day a doctor. She loves learning more about the church, and she is excited to keep reading the Book of Mormon. Now enter those stories about "flooding Saipan with the Book of Mormon": Yesterday we gave her a Book of Mormon to give out. She's got a few friends she wants to give them to. 
We were at a less active family's house on Friday, and invited them to give out a Book of Mormon. Immediately, the two daughters had people they wanted to give Book of Mormons to. One daughter, Kasey, said she'd been wanting to give her teacher one for a year, but couldn't find one nice enough. Her sister Kaylee has a really good friend who is Buddhist who she has been trying to influence to learn more about Jesus Christ, then she switched schools. She is going to show us her friend sometime this week so we can teach her family =) The dad is going to pray about it so he can know who to give it to. He was really excited about how excited his daughters were about the challenge. 
Overall, since Tuesday, our Zone has given out 43 Book of Mormons. The ward is really excited to join us, too. This is just was Saipan needed!! We are so excited!!

A little before Zone Conference, and especially during I have felt impressed that I need to change some things (then again, don't we all.... No one is perfect, after all). I feel like the longer you live with someone, the more Satan, and probably just the natural man, brings out weaknesses, both in the person you are living with, and especially in your self. The challenge is to fight that and learn to love the person anyway, despite weaknesses. After all, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us and them, despite all our weaknesses. 
One weakness I have realized I have is that I can get frustrated easily with people. When I get frustrated, I usually just go quiet. But I have been applying that video we watched at MLC: "Stop it!". Look it up on Youtube. It's pretty great. It's from Mad TV. Anyway, I have seen a huge difference in my days. I have seen my companion and I stop arguing about little things. I have seen myself be happy. I have felt the influence of the Holy Spirit more, and have been able to focus more on others and less on myself. I can testify that Ether 12:27 is true: when we humble ourselves and turn to the Lord, he can make our weaknesses strengths. Without Him, we cannot overcome any of our weaknesses. 

I love my mission so much. Learning a lot out here. I love you all, and hope your life is going well! Keep reading the Book of Mormon!! Give it out to a friend, too. Flood the Earth with the Book of Mormon!! I testify that it will bring you closer to Jesus Christ, your Savior and Redeemer, more than any other book that has been or ever will be written. 

Lots of love from this little rock in the middle of the Pacific,
Sister Springer

PS: Sorry forgot to send pics.
Pic of the zone at zone conference.
We did a service project at the Conner's as a zone again. Super fun! Got to use my machete =) Also, check out the papaya tree growing inside the truck. Fun stuff, welcome to the Jungle. We have fun and games. And also nature takes back what's her's. 
Really pretty ocean pics... doesn't do it justice. 
Also!!! WE FINISHED MAKING THE CHINESE LANGUAGE MASTERY!! One step closer to being Chinese language master's =) ​​

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